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Around the World

Cities all over the world are making major investments in public transit. Here are several cities that have either built a new metro system or opened a new subway line since 1985. Also noted are cities that have circular metro lines.


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Circular Lines >>

It bears repeating: the T has not opened a new subway line since 1912 and has not significantly expanded any subway since 1985! Developed and undeveloped nations are building transit infrastructure as we speak. We desperately need new transit in Boston. Let's get started!

Vancouver, Canada


Opening in 1985, SkyTrain consists of 3 lines, with 47 stations, spanning 42.7 miles. Daily ridership is around 391,000. An extension to the Millennium Line was completed in late 2016 and added 6.8 miles and 6 stations to the system.

Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia Metro

Opening in 1998, the Sofia Metro consists of 2 lines, serving 35 stations, with a total route length of 24.9 miles. Daily ridership is around 350,000. A third line, 10 miles in length with 16 stations, will be put into service by 2019. 

Algiers, Algeria

Algiers Metro

Opening in 2011, the Algiers Metro consists of 1 line, with 14 stations, covering 8.4 miles. Daily ridership is around 44,000. An extension of Line 1 is currently under construction. Lines 2 and 3 are in planning stages.

Bangalore, India

Namma Metro

Opening in 2011, the Namma Metro consists of 2 lines, with 30 stations, stretching 19.6 miles. Daily ridership is 175,000. Extensions of the Green and Purple lines are currently under construction, which will add another 19.9 miles and 26 stations. 2 new lines (Yellow and Red) are also under construction, which will add 24.9 miles and 34 stations.

Lima, Peru

Metro de Lima

Opening in 2012, the Lima Metro consists of 1 line, with 26 stations, stretching 20.6 miles. Daily ridership is 250,000. 2 new lines (2 and 4) are under construction with a planned opening of 2020, and will add 21.7 miles and 35 stations.

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New Transit Systems (since 1985)
New Metro Lines (since 1985)

Seoul, South Korea

Shinbundang Line

The Shinbundang Line (or DX Line) is 19.3 miles long with 12 stations. It is the world's 5th subway to run completely driverless. It travels at speeds of over 55 mph. The initial route opened in 2011, and the second half opened in 2016. An expansion is currently under construction with an opening slated for 2022.

Warsaw, Poland

Line 2

Line 2 of the Warsaw Metro opened in 2015. It consists of 3.9 miles of track and 7 underground stations. A further extension of the line is currently under construction with plans to open in 2019.

Tehran, Iran

Line 3

Line 3 initially opened in 2012 with 4.3 miles of route. In 2014 and 2015, additional sections of the line opened increasing its total length to 23 miles, serving 28 stations.

Washington D.C., USA

Silver Line

The Silver Line opened in 2014. It consists of 11.7 miles of new track and 5 new stations in the western suburbs of Washington DC. It continues east through downtown Washington sharing existing track with the Orange and Blue Lines for the remainder of its route. Phase 2 will extend the line to Dulles International Airport, adding another 11.5 miles and 6 stations when it opens in 2019.

London, UK

Elizabeth Line (Crossrail)

Crossrail is a 73-mile railway line under development in London. The line will provide high-frequency commuter and suburban passenger service that will link Berkshire and Buckinghamshire, via central London, to Essex and southeast London. It is expected to relieve pressure on existing London Underground lines such as the Central and District lines, which are the current main east-west passenger routes. The project's main feature is a new 13 mile tunnel under central London. The project was approved in 2007 and construction began in 2009. The central section is scheduled to open in 2018 with the western section opening in 2019. The cost of the project is £15.9 billion.

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Circular Lines

London, UK

Circle Line (Yellow)

The 17-mile Circle Line serves 36 stations. Most of the route is shared with the District, Hammersmith, and Metropolitan lines. 21 of the 36 stations are below ground. The first section opened in 1863 and the last in 1884.

Moscow, Russia

Koltsevaya, Line 5 (Brown)

Line 5 was built between 1950 and 1954, surrounding central Moscow. Entirely underground, it is 12 miles long with 12 stations, and connects all 9 of Moscow's radial metro lines. Today, it is one of Moscow's busiest lines.

Madrid, Spain

Circular, Line 6 (Gray)

Line 6 opened in 4 stages between 1979 and 1995. Surrounding central Madrid, it is entirely underground. It is 15 miles long, has 28 stations, and provides transfers to all of Madrid's 10 radial metro lines. Line 6 is one of the busiest on the network.

Beijing, China

Line 2 (Blue) & Line 10 (Light Blue)

Beijing has two subway lines that circle the city:


Line 2, which opened in 1984, runs around the old city. The line is entirely underground, is 14.4 miles long, has 18 stations, connects with 10 of Beijing's 17 subway lines, and is one of the busiest in the system.

Line 10, which opened in phases from 2008 to 2013, runs 1 - 4 miles outside of the Line 2 loop. The line is entirely underground, is 35.5 miles long, has 45 stations, and connects all of Beijing's subway lines (except Line 2). It is the busiest line in the system.

Copenhagen, Denmark

Cityringen, M3 (Blue)

Cityringen is a metro line currently under construction serving Copenhagen and Frederiksberg. When complete in 2019, it will stretch 9.6 miles with 17 stations all underground.

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